
Peter Casanave

Pete has worked for over 25 years in the IT industry, with over 23 years focused on network security and mission-critical wide-area network services. He is responsible for helping to steer the architectural growth and development strategy of Apogee’s products, managing the team of product managers, developers, and architects, as well as the professional development, mentoring, and coaching of all network engineers within Apogee’s team of talented professionals. Pete brings a lifetime of solid always-on networking discipline and strategic knowledge to Apogee. He is a combat veteran of the United States Army with numerous combat tours, where he received the Bronze Star Medal in combat, among many other awards and decorations. He is one of a few enlisted service members to have ever been inducted in the U.S. Army’s Bronze Order of Mercury, even before becoming a senior Non-Commissioned Officer. This was in recognition of his efforts in leading Multi-National Forces Iraq strategy and effort in commercializing tactical communications via Cisco-based networking and VoIP solutions and other efforts to make a more efficient and effective operational communications platform. This included time embedded with numerous branches of the U.S. Department of Defense in combat. He also led the U.S. Army’s communications effort at the U.S. Embassy – Baghdad, Iraq and the engineering team for the Collation Joint Network Operations Command and Control Center – Iraq (JNCC-I), both as critical Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge (NCOIC) roles.